£70 can work in the oven for a week? ! How Aga owners are abandoning their stoves due to the fuel crisis | Living & Style Living & Style

Blackpool’s “uninstaller” removed 35 classic kitchens this year. What a wonderful century!
But it’s an oven, right? Yeah, it’s more than just an oven: you can dry clothes on it, boil water, and dogs love to lie in front of them.
Need a replacement oven for your oven? Whose stupid idea is this? Nobel Prize-winning Swedish physicist Gustav Dahlen invented the Aga cast iron stove in 1922 when he was trapped at home after losing his sight in an industrial accident.
Why would anyone want something so blatantly outdated? Are they cheap? God, no. They are very expensive.
Is it more of a lifestyle choice than an appliance? Yes, while this is a way of life, the owners give up more and more – their Agi are torn off.
Really? It looks like you first have to be very rich to have it. You must be very rich to get rid of one of them. Just removing Aga costs £500.
Is it worth it? Obviously: gas agar consumes 30 or 40 times more energy than a conventional gas stove. Even newer, more efficient electric models can cost up to £70 a week. Blackpool’s uninstaller removed 35 Agas this year.
Does Aga have anything to say about this? It states that Agas are made from recycled iron and last much longer than conventional stoves.
Yes, but still. He also advised owners to upgrade to one of their new programmable induction hobs, the Agas Fan Oven.
Yes. Can you at least sell your used model to some rich, gullible person? Reclaimed gas and Agas oil still sell for between £4,000 and £7,000, but buyers are reportedly hard to come by.
Any good news for Aga owners? Many people believe that a closed Aga can stay cute and cool in summer.

Post time: Sep-20-2022