Food tip: “Perfect every time!”

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Everyone cooks rice in their own way: some prefer to boil it with excess water, while others prefer to steam it to make it fluffy. spoke exclusively with Tilda Marketing Director Anna Beheshti to discuss the correct way to cook rice and how it differs depending on the variety of rice.
Anna starts by explaining the ratio of water to rice: “The ideal ratio of water to rice depends on the variety of rice.
“For example, for fully cooked basmati rice, the optimal ratio of water to rice is 2:1, while for jasmine or long grain rice, the correct ratio of water to rice is 1.5:1.
“If you like a thicker texture, you can reduce the amount of water slightly to your liking.”
Some experts recommend rinsing or rinsing rice grains before cooking. Anna says: “Rinsing basmati rice is an important step before cooking, as it removes excess starch and gives the grains a more independent, fluffy texture with great flavor.”
But the big question is, is it better to steam the rice or boil off the excess water in the rice after cooking?
Anna says: “A rice cooker is the perfect way to cook perfect rice. If you don’t have a rice cooker, the next best way to cook basmati, jasmine and long grain rice is to boil it. In a covered pot, let the rice soak up the moisture.
“At Tilda, we recommend the first one to help you achieve a light, fluffy texture while retaining all the flavor of the rice.”
As for how long to cook without steam, “boiling time will depend on the variety of rice you choose,” experts say.
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To get fluffy, flavorful white basmati, Tilda recommends the brewing method, which is explained step by step below.
2. Rinse the rice in cold water using a sieve or colander, or rinse in a saucepan until the water runs clear.
She said: “Ideally, rice is best served as soon as it’s cooked. But if that’s not possible, here are some tips for reheating safely.
1. Refrigerate the rice as soon as possible, preferably within an hour, then place it in the refrigerator until reheated.
Anna explains: “For those who want to enjoy a variety of delicious and healthy meals in minutes, Tilda’s Ready to Heat range offers the ultimate in speed, convenience (not
By the way, delicious) option! Perfectly portioned and ready in less than two minutes, allowing consumers to prepare any delicious and nutritious lunch or mid-week snack option.
“Now the Tilda range offers 26 delicious flavors to choose from, including Tilda Pure Rice Basmati, Tilda Wholegrain Rice Basmati, Tilda Fragrant Jasmine Rice and Tilda Pilau Basmati Rice, making it easy to find the right rice for every dish.”
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Post time: Oct-02-2022