This air fried Brussels sprouts recipe is a must.

Welcome to AirFryDay, you guessed it, every Friday Mashable brings you the latest trends, tips and reviews of your air fryer recipes.
If you have an air fryer, you should use it for frying vegetables. Brussels sprouts are a great place to start.
Deep fryers are specially designed for cooking Brussels sprouts. It chars on the outside and makes the leaves crispy while the vegetable roasts on the inside in a short amount of time. The Brussels sprouts you ate as a child – bitter and raw – are very far from the final result in the deep fryer.
Now you can put most vegetables in the fryer with a little oil, salt and pepper and get great results. This will work for Brussels sprouts. But this TikTok recipe from @lovelydelites adds a nice twist – add some balsamic glaze. It’s perfect and I recommend you try this recipe. Here’s what you need to know.
Brussels sprouts (anything you want, as long as there is room in the fryer for air to circulate)
Cut off the end of each Brussels sprout, then cut the cabbage in half. If you have very large sprouts, you can cut them into quarters.
In a large bowl, brush the Brussels sprouts with oil and season generously with salt and pepper. Seriously, over-salting Brussels sprouts is hard, but over-salted Brussels sprouts are bad. Salt, salt, salt.
Squeeze a tablespoon or two of frosting over the seasoned vegetables. Basically you want to create a wavy line on top of the Brussels sprouts. Mix and apply.
Air fry at 400 degrees for about 15 minutes or until the fork is soft and crisp on the outside, then enjoy.
This is one of those recipes that simply cannot be messed up. Well, if you cook Brussels sprouts for 45 minutes, you will probably spoil it, otherwise … it’s so simple. The hot air circulating in the deep fryer fries crispy vegetables perfectly. All you really need is salt, pepper and a sweet glaze, perfectly caramelized.
It’s the subtlety that elevates this recipe. Balm and Brussels – an alliance made in heaven. The sweetness and sourness of the glaze make Brussels bitters more palatable. The finished product can take up to 15 minutes. When testing the recipe, I used small Brussels sprouts cooked in less than 12 minutes. Here’s what they look like.
All of this works together. Anyway, since I love spices, I’ll add some red pepper flakes or chili powder later on so you have access to all the basics: salty, sweet, fatty, sour, and spicy.
Not every deep fryer recipe found on TikTok requires some kind of clever trick. Sometimes you stumble upon a recipe that could become a staple. It’s the perfect side dish and I don’t see the point in cooking Brussels sprouts any other way. It’s simple, tasty, healthy and easy to clean. Plus, you don’t have to wipe the pan clean – just wipe down the non-stick basket.

Post time: Oct-15-2022